Feel, Deal, Heal
A poem written by a person in recovery.

Learning how to laugh in your recovery journey.

A frequent visitor of the Tree of Hope shares her experience about the environment and culture she steps into every time she steps inside.

One-On-One Peer Mentorship
Understanding Peer Recovery Coaching.

Testimony to The Tree of Hope
A testimony to The Tree of Hope by a person who has been coming to the center for a long period of time.

Finding gratitude in your recovery journey.

Why Is Unity So Important in Recovery?
Why unity is so important to your recovery.

Managing Triggers & Cravings In Recovery
How to Manage Your Triggers and Cravings in Recovery.

We Found It Necessary to Stick With Winners In Order to Grow
The people you surround yourself with have an impact on your life.

The Tree Needs Hope, Not Dope
A poem written by a person in recovery about the Tree of Hope.