4 Reasons Why Acceptance Is Essential to Your Recovery
4 Reasons Why Acceptance Is Essential to Your Recovery
Tips for Getting Started in Recovery
Different tips that can help you get started with your recovery journey.
Goodbye Letter To Alcohol
A goodbye letter to alcohol.
Time waits for no one And all we do is wait for it Sitting and craving for the next minute, hour When it gets here, it is not enough --...
This House
In this house I’m allowed to be me In this house my recovery can be In this house I learn to face my struggles In this house nobody can...
A Prayer
My Lord, my God. Breathe your life-giving breath into me now. Fill this room with your comfort and peace. Let me feel you in my mind,...
Close your eyes and breathe Breathe Relax your shoulders Inhale 1-2-3-4 Exhale 1-2-3-4 Listen to your body and acknowledge how it feels...
There is Hope
Dear God, Here I am again, abusing my body; I’m exhausted, broken, counting the minutes in each hour at 3 a.m., wishing I had a different...
Give It Away To Keep It
Unity is a big part of this program. Each individual has their role in achieving the one goal we are striving for: recovery. No matter...
Hear Me Out Dad
A poem that gives thanks to a higher power for delivering from the horrors of addiction.